About Us
INTERCOEX a 100% Spanish capital company, which commenced its activity in 1986 in the city of Madrid through the incorporation of recognised professionals in the sector. Our structure, professionalism and lengthy experience enable us to offer a quality service with sufficient guarantee and reliability reason why INTERCOEX is the perfect choice in customs, logistics and transport.

Foreign trade entails extensive administrative procedures, customs clearance, obtaining permits, special complementary services, most suitable transport management, tariff waybills, drafting of documents etc...
Our Services
Our company, with offices in Madrid, can cover the entire national territory.
Our worldwide network of agents covers the most important ports and cities throughout the world.
Customs Agent
Air Transport
Maritime transport
International Land Transport
Warehouse and bonded warehouse
Request a Quote
Basic Guide to Start Importing
We are going to try to summarize the main steps when starting to import, whether you are a merchant, an small and médium business or an entrepreneur. Importing is very profitable and it is not necessary to be a large company with many resources, but anyone can benefit from accessing emerging markets that offer merchandise at a very competitive cost. They also enjoy agreements with the EEC so that their exports have preferential treatment in import tariffs in all EEC countries (Spain)

Manuel E. Alvarez Garcia
Agente de Aduanas
Latest News
The vast majority of importers are unaware of the numerous advantages that customs warehouses give rise to.
The customs warehouse is authorized by the Customs-AEAT (Spanish Tax Agency) to private companies that, upon request and provision of guarantees, are granted a customs authorizatio